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- Li, Jianwen, Keyang Li, and Yuan Ren*. “Missing Repayments on Haze Days: Evidence from China.” Journal of Development Economics, 175 (2025): 103491. (SSRN #4318947)
- Agarwal, Sumit, Keyang Li, Yu Qin, Jing Wu*, and Jubo Yan. “The Impact of Fertility Relaxation on the Gender Wage Gap.” Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. (SSRN #3507515)
- Li, Keyang*, Jing Wu, Jianwei Xing, and Jubo Yan. “Steering in the Housing Market: Incentive Induced by the Tax Scheme.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 103 (2023): 103953. (SSRN #3570588)
- Li, Keyang, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, and Jubo Yan*. “Perceived Economic Prospects during the Early Stage of COVID-19 Breakout.” Contemporary Economic Policy 41.4 (2023): 696–713. (SSRN #3563597)
- Li, Keyang*, Yu Qin, Guoxu Wei, Jing Wu. “What Drives Health-care Spending in China? A Nationwide Decomposition Analysis.” Applied Economics 55.9 (2023): 1028-1043. (SSRN #3711857)
- Zhu, Enwei, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu, and Keyang Li. “A Sentiment Index of the Housing Market in China: Text Mining of Narratives on Social Media.” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 66.1 (2023): 77-118. (SSRN #3223566)
- Agarwal, Sumit, Keyang Li, Yu Qin*, Jing Wu, and Jubo Yan. “Tax Evasion, Capital Gains Taxes, and the Housing Market.” Journal of Public Economics 188 (2020): 104222. (SSRN #3241127)
- Li, Keyang, Yu Qin, and Jing Wu*. “Recent Housing Affordability in Urban China: A Comprehensive Overview.” China Economic Review 59 (2020): 101362. (SSRN #3227550) (Download: City-Level Housing Affordability Index)
- Wang, Xiaodan, Keyang Li, and Jing Wu*. “House Price Index Based on Online Listing Information: The Case of China.” Journal of Housing Economics 50 (2020): 101715. (SSRN #3223256)
- Wu, Jing*, Hao Li, and Keyang Li. “Local Political Chief Turnover and Economic Growth: Evidence from China.” Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 28.3 (2020): 441-466. (SSRN #3223280)
- 李科杨, 吴璟, 毛捷*. “征管技术和征管意愿对纳税遵从度的影响效果——以二手房交易税收征管为例. ” 经济学(季刊)24.05(2024):810-823.