Working Papers

  1. “Understanding the Risk of China’s Local Government Debts and Its Linkage with Property Markets,” with Brent Ambrose, Yongheng Deng, and Jing Wu. (Reject & Resubmit at Management Science)
  2. “Search, Information Friction, and the Housing Market,” with Jing Wu and Hefan Zheng. (SSRN #4488454, Revise & Resubmit at Cities)
  3. “Missing Repayments on Haze Days: Evidence from Household Debt,” with Jianwen Li and Yuan Ren. (SSRN #4318947, Under Review)
  4. “Public Housing and Market Segmentation: Evidence from the Joint Property Ownership Scheme in China,” with Shidong Su, Fan Zhang, and Yanjiang Zhang. (SSRN #4602075, Under Review)
  5. “Subsidized Credit Supply and the Housing Market: Evidence from the Housing Provident Fund System in China,” with Yu Qin, Qiuyi Wang, and Jing Wu. (SSRN #4702189, Under Review)